Photoionization simulations: CLOUDY

The photoionization code CLOUDY is a widely-distributed package to model the spectra of low-density regions (inter-galactic medium to H II regions), as well as the emission-line regions around quasars. An essential input is the Spectral Energy Distribution of the object(s) illuminating the region which is modeled with Cloudy. In many cases, this object is a massive hot star.

Peter van Hoof prepared and provided SEDs of O and B stars, based on the OSTAR2002 and the BSTAR2006 grids, that can be directly used by CLOUDY. For this purpose, the original SEDs have been equidistantly-resampled and rebinned to nearly 20,000 frequency points. Additionally, Cloudy can interpolate a SED for intermediate values of effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity, between the selected grid points. The SEDs are provided as gzipped ASCII files for each metallicity, as well as a large ASCII file containing SEDs for all metallicities (but the metal-free models) to allow for interpolating in Z / Zo. Merged files, spanning the whole range of the OSTAR2002 and the BSTAR2006 grids are also available. The merged files use the BSTAR2006 models for effective temperatures up to 30,000 K and the OSTAR2002 models for higher temperatures.

OSTAR2002 Models
All rebinned SEDs (9 metallicities): ostar2002_3d.ascii.gz (47 MB)
The rebinned SEDs are available for 10 scaled-solar chemical compositions:
 Z / Zo   File   Z / Zo   File
2   ostar2002_p03.ascii.gz   1 / 30    ostar2002_m15.ascii.gz
1   ostar2002_p00.ascii.gz   1 / 50   ostar2002_m17.ascii.gz
1 / 2   ostar2002_m03.ascii.gz   1 / 100   ostar2002_m20.ascii.gz
1 / 5   ostar2002_m07.ascii.gz   1 / 1000    ostar2002_m30.ascii.gz
1 / 10   ostar2002_m10.ascii.gz     ostar2002_m99.ascii.gz

Reference: Lanz, T., & Hubeny, I. 2003, ApJS, 146, 417 (Abstract) (PDF)

BSTAR2006 Models
All rebinned SEDs (5 metallicities): bstar2006_3d.ascii.gz (62 MB)
The rebinned SEDs are available for 6 scaled-solar chemical compositions:
 Z / Zo   File   Z / Zo   File
2   bstar2006_p03.ascii.gz   1 / 30   
1   bstar2006_p00.ascii.gz   1 / 50  
1 / 2   bstar2006_m03.ascii.gz   1 / 100  
1 / 5   bstar2006_m07.ascii.gz   1 / 1000   
1 / 10   bstar2006_m10.ascii.gz     bstar2006_m99.ascii.gz

Reference: Lanz, T., & Hubeny, I. 2007, ApJS, 169, 83 (Abstract) (PDF)

Merged Files (OSTAR2002 + BSTAR2006)
All rebinned SEDs (5 metallicities): obstar_merged_3d.ascii.gz (86 MB)
The rebinned SEDs are available for 6 scaled-solar chemical compositions:
 Z / Zo   File   Z / Zo   File
2   obstar_merged_p03.ascii.gz   1 / 30   
1   obstar_merged_p00.ascii.gz   1 / 50  
1 / 2   obstar_merged_m03.ascii.gz   1 / 100  
1 / 5   obstar_merged_m07.ascii.gz   1 / 1000   
1 / 10   obstar_merged_m10.ascii.gz     obstar_merged_m99.ascii.gz

Last update: January 2, 2010